24 March 2017

Calderdale College Learning Resource Centre officially open

Posted by Jamie Handley Marketing & Bid Manager

We were honoured to be included in over seventy invitees who were asked to attend the official opening of the £6.5m, Jefferson Sheard designed, LRC at Calderdale College this week.

Guests including the Mayor of Calderdale, Councillor Howard Blagbrough, Sue Cooke of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership and Caroline Rowley, Regional Director for the Association of Colleges (AoC).

We designed the redevelopment of the College’s existing library, formally a theatre, into a contemporary Learning Resource Centre to enable a range of study environments, flexible resources and innovative technologies to support student development. Additionally, two further floors of the building have been re-designed to accommodate specialist course requirements including, photography, digital media, advanced engineering, business development, early years tutoring, hospital care and dentistry.

Denise Cheng-Carter, Vice Principal, Calderdale College said “The 'Unlocking Potential' Project will transform the College and enables delivery of higher skills, including higher level apprenticeships to match training to the particular needs of students and businesses in the Leeds City Region.”

The refurbishment work was part of the ‘Unlocking Potential’ initiative, a multi-million pound development programme jointly funded by Calderdale College and Growth Deal funding secured by the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP).